Sisterhood Part. 2
The original piece I wrote was called "Sistahhood" where I was exploring failed relationships with women throughout the years. This poem speaks to the way things are teleological, all events and instances that occur in our lives have a purpose. Today, I am grateful for the women I can call my sisters. These images represent some the women in my life.
Sisterhood I know in the past I have searched for you everywhere I went Now I find it in you In me In us In the way you all hold me up To the way you pick up every call And I wipe every tear
You all affirm each emotion From the ringing caused by the sound of "sis" Sis,
Yall were the women that never made it to my home
Yall were the women who have been around This whole time And it was unfortunate that I needed to lose Over and over again Lose sisters like I was unloveable Like I was undeserving of the love I gave Put on silent trials Without a judge If you are my sister I am your keeper And we hold the key to this gate Sisters Yall teach me quality over quantity That this is not a game of "Go Fish" Where you pick me up and just because I don't fit with the rest of your hand You overturn me into the pile I am enough Now, I know I am worthy Of sisterhood Of shared affinity and trust It was a pity I could not see passed The pitiful clouds maliciously put in my way That pocketed my light My growth My right to shine the divine light God gave me But now I can clearly see the women I am deserving of And are deserving of me Sis, I can't wait to see us win Our bodies radiate in that collective gold Bodies hugged together in sisterly solidarity Slaying individually But collectively dismantling Any dragon in our way To keep us caged up in solitude Away from what is ours To my sisters The sisters my parents could not give me The bloodless sisters God gave me Connected by the roots of this earth Teaching me how to love again To stop searching Forget about the women who have hurt me And be grateful for the pain That bloomed past the concrete Into flowers Into the women I know now as my Sisters...